About Us

About CopyrightProtectors

We are a premier DMCA Takedown Agency based in Bangalore. With a client-focused approach, we serve a variety of industries, delivering customized solutions to protect your intellectual property rights.

At CopyrightProtectors, we’re not just a DMCA Takedown agency – we’re your trusted partner in the battle against digital theft. We understand the value of your intellectual property and are committed to safeguarding it.

Our dedicated team is relentless and passionate, continuously evolving to outsmart online pirates. We serve a myriad of industries, delivering customized solutions that protect your content and bolster your digital success.

  1. Nov, 2015
    Birth of Copyright Protectors

    CopyrightProtectors was born out of a need to combat rising online piracy. We started with a small team, focusing on basic DMCA takedowns, and pledged to protect creators' rights.

  2. Aug, 2017
    Tie Up With Major Hosting Companies

    We expanded our services beyond search engines to hosting providers. This broadened our impact and helped us protect more digital assets, gaining recognition in the industry.

  3. Oct, 2019
    Disrupting Pirate Finance

    We introduced innovative solutions like payment gateway blocking, disrupting the financial lifelines of pirates. Our client base and reputation grew, positioning us as a trusted DMCA Takedown agency.

  4. Feb, 2021
    Real-Time Piracy Alerts

    We launched our 24/7 monitoring service, providing real-time alerts to clients. Our growing team honed their skills, ensuring rapid and effective responses to emerging piracy threats.

  5. Feb, 2023
    Leading Industry Innovation

    CopyrightProtectors now serves a wide variety of industries, offering customized anti-piracy solutions. We continue to innovate, always staying one step ahead of online pirates, and remain committed to protecting your intellectual property.

Meet Our Best Experts

Meet the Magicians who work 24/7 To Fight Piracy For You
Arjun Patel

Chief Executive Officer

A visionary leader, Arjun skillfully navigates the digital anti-piracy landscape

Olivia Turner

Director of Operations

Olivia ensures smooth daily operations and effective DMCA takedown execution.

Freddy Thomas

Chief Technology Officer

Freddy leads tech innovations, keeping us ahead in piracy detection.

Elizabeth Johnson

Legal Counsel

Elizabeth provides expert legal guidance on DMCA compliance issues.

Client Centric
Our approach is personalized, addressing unique challenges to offer optimal DMCA takedown solutions that fit each client's needs.
Passionate Team
Our dedicated professionals are relentless in the fight against piracy, continuously innovating to protect your digital assets.
Industry Leader
We lead with expertise, trusted by diverse industries for our swift, effective takedown services and ongoing vigilance.

Our Vision

We envision a future where your digital content is unassailable. At CopyrightProtectors, our mission is to eradicate online piracy, fortify intellectual property rights, and cultivate a secure digital landscape.

Our Customers Say

See Our Reviews
Reliable and efficient, CopyrightProtectors has helped secure our digital assets. Their team is a pleasure to work with.
James Thompson
James Thompson
CEO, Thompson Tech
They've been instrumental in safeguarding our intellectual property. The peace of mind they provide is invaluable.
Emily Smith
Emily Smith
Product Manager, Innovate Solutions
CopyrightProtectors is an indispensable partner. Their vigilance in protecting our online content is unmatched.
 Priya Kapoor
Priya Kapoor
Director, Kapoor Industries

Our Valuable Clients

We're proud to protect the digital assets of some of the most innovative companies worldwide. Explore our esteemed clientele who trust CopyrightProtectors with their online security.